Introducing Lupine Care, a family health & wellness company.
Lupine Care is building technology for the next generation of caregivers of aging adults.
Lupine’s Vision
We believe the future of geriatrics and elder care is at-home, consumer- and community-led.
Seniors today live longer and have more complex health conditions. With a strong preference for remaining at home and not enough traditional healthcare or assisted living services, millennials and younger generations are stepping up to care for their aging loved ones. Taking care of each other doesn’t have to be complicated, but we know that in order to excel in this role, we need to expand our toolkit and find our community of support.
At Lupine, we're creating user-friendly, AI-powered tech solutions for families navigating the complexities of caregiving. Our tools lighten the load for primary caregivers, make it easier for family members to share information, build skills that will make us more resilient advocates for our aging parents, and combat the feelings of loneliness and confusion that often accompany caregiving.
Lupine will equip you with tools and resources to find beauty and joy in this meaningful chapter of life.